Dolphin News

Ways We Communicate for 2024-25 School Year

We write a monthly newsletter, which goes home in our Thursday folders and is also posted on Class Dojo. There are 2 ways for a parent to join Class Dojo:

Prime Time: STEM Girl Day at UT Austin

A reminder that our PrimeTime afterschool program sign-up deadline is this Friday, January 31st. Please visit this google form to sign up:

2024-25 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST/ Lista de útiles escolares para 2024-25

Some of your child’s school supplies (not included in this list) have been provided by Office Depot Store #6253! We are so grateful for Office Depot’s support.

23-24 School Supply List/Lista de útiles escolares para 23-24

Thanks to the generous support of Office Depot Store #6253, most of your child’s school supplies will be provided free of charge! We are so grateful for Office Depot’s support.

AISD Summer Technology Inventory

AISD Summer Technology Inventory; ALL devices to be disabled May 25 In preparation for a district-wide tech inventory this summer, Austin ISD is asking students and families to return ALL tech devices – iPads, laptops, charging cords, hotspots, iPad cases, etc. – to their campuses.

Register for the 2023-24 School Year/Inscríbanse Para el Ciclo Escolar 2023-24

We're excited to welcome your family back next year. Don't forget to register your child before break! Questions? Text "Enroll" to 512-886-6434

Multilingual Education Elementary Summer School

Escuela de Verano para estudiantes bilingues elegibles en PK & Kinder.  Summer School for Eligible PK & K students. 

Spring Book Fair - February 27 - March 3, 2023

The Book Fair returns Feb. 27th - March 3rd! Students will be able to shop the fair during the school day, and families are welcome to come after school from 3:00-4:00 (M-F).

Coffee with Principal Godínez | Café con la directora Godínez

Families, join us to chat with our principal, Dr. Dolores Godínez! Thursday, November 10, 8-9 a.m. Dawson Cafeteria    

Noche de Regreso a la Escuela

Venga a platicar con el maestro(a) acerca del plan de estudios de su hijo(a), tareas y expectativas del grado. Junto salimos adelante. Martes 13 de septiembre, 2022 5:00 - 6:30 pm Habrá una junta breve de PTA en la cafetería a las 5:00 pm

Back to School Night

Come talk with your child's teacher about the curriculum, homework, and expectations for the grade level. We want partner with you! Tuesday, September 13, 2022 5:00 - 6:30 pm There will be a brief PTA meeting at 5:00 in the cafeteria.

Plan de Seguridad para la Salida

Como se indicó, TODO el personal y las familias deben seguir nuestros prcedimientos de seguridad. TODOS los estudiantes se recogerán afuera de la escuela.