Dolphin News

Ways We Communicate for 2024-25 School Year

We write a monthly newsletter, which goes home in our Thursday folders and is also posted on Class Dojo. There are 2 ways for a parent to join Class Dojo:

Prime Time: STEM Girl Day at UT Austin

A reminder that our PrimeTime afterschool program sign-up deadline is this Friday, January 31st. Please visit this google form to sign up:

Campus Registration Deadlines

 Priority Window opening on November 6, 2024.

2024-25 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST/ Lista de útiles escolares para 2024-25

Some of your child’s school supplies (not included in this list) have been provided by Office Depot Store #6253! We are so grateful for Office Depot’s support.

23-24 School Supply List/Lista de útiles escolares para 23-24

Thanks to the generous support of Office Depot Store #6253, most of your child’s school supplies will be provided free of charge! We are so grateful for Office Depot’s support.

Launch Your Career

Austin Independent School District will be in the Lower Rio Grande Valley recruiting Bilingual & SPED teachers for the 2023/2024 school year.

Grow With Us at Dawson Elementary

We are the Game-Changers! for all students in Austin ISD! Únete a nosotros at Dawson ES, we are seeking dynamic teachers & staff for the 2023-2024 SY!

AISD Summer Technology Inventory

AISD Summer Technology Inventory; ALL devices to be disabled May 25 In preparation for a district-wide tech inventory this summer, Austin ISD is asking students and families to return ALL tech devices – iPads, laptops, charging cords, hotspots, iPad cases, etc. – to their campuses.

AISD Job Fair

Critical Needs Job Fair When:  June 3, 2023 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Where: Austin ISD Central Office

Teacher Appreciation

Help us celebrate our fantastic teachers, teacher assistants, and substitutes!

Spring Fundraiser/Recaudación de Fondos de Primavera

Online Auction Bidding open April 24 - May 4 Winners can collect items at Dawson on May 5 Subasta en Línea Licitación estará abierta del 24 de abril hasta el 4 de mayo Los ganadores podrán recoger sus artículos en Dawson a partir del 5 de mayo

Register for the 2023-24 School Year/Inscríbanse Para el Ciclo Escolar 2023-24

We're excited to welcome your family back next year. Don't forget to register your child before break! Questions? Text "Enroll" to 512-886-6434